
Jenny Lelwica Buttaccio, OTR/L, is a writer, occupational therapist, and certified Pilates instructor. For more than a decade, she has battled Lyme disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Interstitial Cystitis. She is the creator of the DVD, New Dawn Pilates: pilates-inspired exercises adapted for people with pelvic pain. Jenny is a health and wellness advocate and who shares her personal healing journey with the support of her husband, Tom, and two rescue dogs, Caylie and Emmi. You can see her work online at Reader’s Digest, The MightyProHealth, Mind Body Green, Z Living NetworkNoktivo, lymedisease.org, Lupus ChickSuffering the Silence, and more. She is also an exercise contributor to the book The Proactive Patient by Gaye and Andrew Sandlar.



Images and videos on this website are the copyrighted property of Lymeroad.com unless otherwise specified. They may not be used without express permission from the owner/blogger/photographer/cinematographer. For permission to use copyrighted material from this website, please contact jenny@lymeroad.com. 


17 thoughts on “About

  1. I haven’t had the time to read this, only the first few paragraphs, Jenny I am so proud of you and am just now realizing how hard this must be for you. I know I said I was going to do one and have been writing long hand and it has had many difficult twists and turns. I know for me, I didn’t know at the time that I really was dying and that the odds were very much against me. I guess because no one told me, out loud and the chemo left me so unaware that, that was God’s protection for me. I always believed I would get well, and if I were the nurse taking care of me, I wouldn’t have believed the end of the story. It actually hasn’t ended, just the first Book. You are a very courageous woman, and have fought an unbelievable battle. I don’t know if you Pray, but it has given me such great strength, especially this past year. Keep believing and with hope, faith & Love you can conquer anything. I am so honored to call you my friend. Much love and prayers and I will read and keep in touch. Kathy Slagle

    • You are an inspiration, Kathy, as you have overcome so much! You are a fighter and although I have seen a few others go through similar treatments as you with difficulty, I knew you would not give up! I am grateful for your support and encouraging words and I too am proud to call you my friend. I do pray and in fact, prayed for YOU often throughout your treatment! Thank you for reading my post and taking the time to comment on it! When you start your blog, let me be among the first to read it!

  2. Hi Jenny,
    I came through your website through the mindbodygreen article, which was sent to me by a friend. I so much recognize your experience with the ongoing fatigue… so I was wondering if I could help you out with our experience… my son, now almost 13 years old, was infected with borrelia burgdorferi about 2,5 years ago but was never treated for Lyme (Dutch protocol, it says that if you have antibodies but do not know when you were infected, antibiotics aren’t effective anymore, so there we were… left to ourselves, with all the symptoms occurring when one has Lyme disease; the specialist wanted to send us off to the psychiatrist, but I refused). So I educated myself in no time in natural healing methods effective with Lyme – but as it is a ‘multisystemdisease’, the ‘right’ therapy does not exist; the bacteria attacks the weak parts of the immune system and that is different for every person! In our son’s case, we used bioresonance, biophoton therapy, detoxing therapy with herbs from the Cowden protocol (Nutramedics: Barberry, Burbur, Artemisia Viscum Album, supplements, etc.) and these helped quite a bit, but then we found out that real healing could not take place unless we treated the severe lack of vitamin B12 he suffered from! Only after that he started to really recover. B12 is one of the most essential vitamins humans need to be able to transport oxygen in their blood – and oxygen is what you need in your cells to heal from Lyme… so if you keep feeling so fatigued, it might be an idea to find out how your levels of B12 are getting along. I must say, some of us need very high doses to be able to recover… We even received revolutionary high energetic (homeopathic) doses of B12 and they have worked marvelously well. And the other component which really helps, is cutting out EMF (irradiation from GSMs, computers, etc. > electrosmog). The one thing which really helps us gain back our energy, is Dooozz: Sleep Natural Bionite. It is made of herbs, orgon, a mixture of crystals and minerals and works through an orgonfield. See http://www.dooozz.nl/watis.html for more details (open it in a browser which translates automatically to English, the site is only available in Dutch at the moment). It deletes spin inversion, and once that is restored (many people suffer from spin inversion; mostly this is the case when you’ve tried therapy after therapy and do not seem to get better), you sleep better and recover much better.

    I hope you get well soon! Keep on following your path and your own compass… I have always felt that that’s what Lyme is telling us to do.

    Take care and kind regards,

    Hanneke, reading your site all the way in The Netherlands 😉

  3. Hey,

    I found you on the cutesy top 25 blog list that just came out and now I’m really enjoying your blog. You’ve got some mighty discipline with your protocol. I never took antibiotics, but it took me a really long time on a herbal protocol to get into remission. Are there specific herbs that you couldn’t live without?

    Thanks! Yessi

    • Hi Yessi,
      Thanks for checking my blog out! You introduced me to the top 25 list; I hadn’t heard of it before. So, thank you for that! I would says I really made some progress with the Cowden protocol early on in my treatment. It helped me game some strength after being bedridden for nearly two years. I’m also a big fan of Byron White formulas. However, they can be very powerful. I’ve used some others, but nothing that left a lasting impression. How about you? What have you found?

  4. I like the Cowden protocol, too. Samento and Banderol were pretty key for me at one point. Nutramedix is expensive, but I think they have quality stuff, and they also by all appearances seem like a fair trade company. Artemesinin, cloves and black walnut left lasting impressions for me too. I guess we all have our own wild self-experiments to try and see what works.

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